Little Stories - Reduction Holiday Cards

Each block is ready for the first run through the press. I have carved away each area that will remain white or the color of the paper. I am using Lettra paper.

The first run of the Snowman is complete. The story is just beginning to ‘come to life’.

The Cat Looking Out the Window is my favorite of the three. This is because I have a 15 year old black cat, Espresso. She has provided much joy in my life and she often looks out a particular window in our home. I have carved away what will remain white in the finished print.

This is the Cat Looking Out the Window block inked up with the dark blue. Note how much more of the surface has been carved away, bringing the story to life.

The final printed edition of the Cat Looking Out the Window. This is my favorite. It is also the strongest of the three prints. The composition works beautifully - color, placement, and final image. Espresso was a great ‘model’!

Each Christmas holiday I produce several new holiday cards. This year I began by designing, carving, and printing a suite of three little stories. Each one provided the viewer with a scene beyond a window. Take a look at the process and each card.

The first color I printed for each image was a light blue. This is the Snowman story inked up and ready for printing.

The first run of the Winter Bird is finished and the story begins! Note that in reduction relief printing the process begins with the lightest color and progresses through to the darkest and final color.

Here the block is inked and I am printng the first run and lightest color - a pale blue. I used this color on all three story images. I printed a total of four colors progressing through to a dark indigo blue.

The block for the Winter Bird inked up in the final and darkest color.

The three completed stories. These cards were a joy to design and print. They have been big sellers this holiday season.